What is the weather like in the Adirondack Mountains in late September/early October?

The average temperatures tend to be in the high 40s, with a normal range between 40 and 55. So heavier, Cosby-esq sweaters are advised.  (See below for details.) 

Historical temperatures for our wedding week from Saranac Lake (not too far from the wedding)

Historical temperatures for our wedding week from Saranac Lake (not too far from the wedding)

Also, bring a rain jacket. While greater New England falls are crisp, they are not particularly dry. We have between a 30 and 60% chance of seeing at least some rain during the day. (See below for details.) 

Fortunately, there won't be any snow.

Historical chance of precipitation on our wedding week from Saranac Lake 

Historical chance of precipitation on our wedding week from Saranac Lake