All the wedding events will be at Emily's family farm in Keene Valley, New York.
The address is:
Rivermede Farm
49 Beede Rd.
Keene Valley, NY
The farm is truly upstate - 2-5 hours from every major city in Greater New England. Basic drive times are:
- 25 min from Lake Placid, NY
- 1 h 45 min from Burlington, VT
- 2 h from Montreal, QC, Canada
- 2 h from Albany, NY
- 4 h 20 min from New York, NY
- 4h 30 min from Boston, MA
This means that you have a few choices if you are flying in. Emily's family usually comes into Albany.
We'll also try and connect guests who might be able to carpool.
It will look like this on our wedding day.